Congress 2022 - Alexandria, Virginia


Welcome to the 2022 Congress of the Naval Order of the United States and to our Nation’s Capital!  The National Capital Commandery has worked hard during the past months to prepare and execute a Program for us all that will be enjoyable and educational while fulfilling the responsibilities we have as an organization to meet our mission.  We have taken the best of the challenges of the past two years when we were unable to join together and melded those experiences with the gatherings of past years to take advantage of technology while providing that essential spirit of camaraderie and commitment as we come together as a group here in one of the most historic places in our country.

We have continued to meet our mission to preserve Naval History using the many tools and venues available to us across the nation. 

  • Through Commandery efforts and our History Day Programs we have engaged the best and brightest of our youth from throughout the many states and regions to highlight the wonders of our history and how it affects us today, offering rewards and recognition to these historians of the future.

  • We have provided a platform for some of the most noted historians in the country to educate our Companions and friends on the vast depth of research devoted to the many topics that have influenced our history through years past and present through our monthly history nights.

  • We have identified events and landmarks which recognize events and periods of our Naval History and helped to highlight them as a remembrance to those who served and beacon for those who serve today.

  • We continue to perpetuate and sustain within our local Commanderies an espirit d ’corps which build relationships and constantly looks for new and creative ways to promote the lessons of history to our communities.

Please visit this city and surrounding areas with our fellow companions to take in the memories and sacrifices of our past as represented by the many memorials and museums.  Take this opportunity to revive relationships from across the country and look for ways to implement and expand our mission to others both within the Order and outside our organization.  Ensure that the lessons lived and recorded by our forefathers are not lost but are reinforced so to perpetuate our heritage and the foundations of freedom that those who went before fought and sacrificed to achieve.

For the Good of the Order

Bob Whitkop, CAPT USN (Ret)
Commander General