2021 Second Virtual National Congress
“Always Faithful and Holding Fast”
22 – 23 October 2021
Congress Brochure
CHARLESTOWN, MA 02129-1797
26 AUGUST 2021
Commander General and Distinguished Members of the Naval Order of the United States,
Greetings from Boston, Massachusetts, homeport of USS CONSTITUTION, the World’s Oldest Commissioned Warship Afloat, America’s Ship of State, and Honorary Flagship for the Naval Order of the United States.
CONSTITUTION’s mission, to promote the United States Navy and America’s naval heritage through educational outreach, public access and historic demonstrations both in port and underway in Boston Harbor is closely aligned with the Naval Order’s objectives. The Naval Order’s promotion, celebration and chronicling of the United States’ naval history complements our activities to enrich the public’s understanding of the Sailors who served in our nation’s maritime services and the role of sea power in sustaining our national security.
CDR John A. Benda, USN
Commanding Officer, USS CONSTITUTION
It has been a difficult few years operating during the COVID pandemic - but like you we have turned to the virtual world for many events and have still found success. I look forward to hosting you aboard CONSTITUTION in the future when the conditions allow, but until then I encourage you visit our social media pages and observe my crew online as they interpret Old Ironsides historic narrative and bring the ship’s storied past to life. I also encourage you to explore the virtual offerings of the USS Constitution Museum, National Parks of Boston, and the many historic attractions along Boston’s Freedom Trail.
Thank you for your dedication to preserving our naval history. Best wishes for a successful and productive Congress.
Very Respectfully,
John A. Benda
76th in Command
Welcome Letter from Commander General
Dear Naval Order Companions and Guests,
The Naval Order of the United States is delighted to welcome you to our 2021 National Congress - but sadly we are not together again. We’ve learned a lot in the last 19 months, but we are at least seemingly together via ZOOM. This is the first Congress hosted by our Continental Commandery. They have worked very hard to make sure that you enjoy your experience in this remote environment.
The Naval Order will meet again, in person, on some sunny day. But for now, prudence and best practices dictate that again we not meet in person. As leaders of the Naval Order, your General Council has decided to make this problem into an opportunity, by turning it inside out. If you can’t come to us, we will come to you.
We have significant business to cover during the Congress, and your participation is important in reviewing and approving the various projects, transactions and plans for the operation of the Naval Order.
We are honored this year to recognize the following outstanding leaders from the sea services:
- Admiral Harry B. Harris, Jr, USN (Ret), the 31st recipient of the Distinguished Sea Service Award
- Command Master Chief Mark W. Rudes, USN (Ret), the 5th recipient of the Distinguished Sea Service Award - Senior Enlisted
Col Allan F. P. Cruz, USMC (Ret)
Commander General
In addition to the business and awards that make up most of our agenda, we have recruited four gifted and interesting speakers whose perspective and knowledge of their subject matter is guaranteed to enlighten and entertain you.
We hope that from wherever you are watching, this Congress turns out to be educational, inspirational and enjoyable for you.
Best regards,
Col Cruz, a San Francisco native, enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1966 and served on active duty from 1966-1970; Vietnam as sergeant/operations chief, Mike Btry 4/12 and Kilo Btry 4/13 with 3d Marine Division; affiliated with Marine Corps Reserve as staff sergeant, 1971; received direct commission in 1975 with his BA in Engineering from San Francisco State University.
Activated for Battle Griffin-91 - Norway during Desert Shield/Desert Storm, XO 1st Bn, 14th Marines; activated for Operation Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom in November 2002, served 17 months in theater; assigned as Asst C/S G-4 Logistics for I MEF, Camp Pendleton until retirement 1 April 2005.
Completed NATO Joint Warfare Course in the United Kingdom; Naval War College's Joint Operations, Strategy/Policy, National Security Decision Making Courses; Reserve Component National Security Course and; Army’s Airborne Course/Air Delivery Course. Qualified as nuclear test engineer, under Rickover’s Naval Nuclear Propulsion Systems Program.
Was a vice president with Enova Engineering Services, a nuclear engineering and information services consulting firm in Walnut Creek, California; vice president with Radiance Services Company, a laser-cleaning technology company for microelectronics industry; project director for ABB Energy Systems, an energy management and information systems engineering firm in Santa Clara, California.
He and his wife, Susan, live in Walnut Creek, California. They have two sons: Nathan, financial manager for the District of Columbia and Brian, LCDR in the Navy Reserve, and works for the National Security Agency.
CAPT Robert N. Whitkop, USN (Ret), Commander General Elect
CAPT Whitkop, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, received his commission from the NROTC Unit, Jacksonville University in Florida and has earned an MSSM from the University of Southern California. As a Surface Warfare Officer he served in USS ROBERT A OWENS (DD-827), USS VREELAND (FF-1068), USS LUCE (DDG-38), and USS PAUL (FF-1080). Staff Tours include OIC, NASAP/NDSAP/CAAC Bremerton, Washington; Destroyer Squadron 12 (Mayport, Florida); Staff for COMUSNAVCENT in USS LASALLE (AGF-3), Manama, Bahrain; CCG-6 Staff (Mayport, Florida) as N6 and Information Warfare Commander; and OPNAV N6 Staff as a Command and Control Requirements Officer.
Changing designator to Information Warfare Professional he served as CO, NAVCOMTELSTA Jacksonville and Regional N6 for CNRSE; Deputy N6 for Fleet Forces Command; CO, NCTAMS Atlantic (Norfolk) and Regional N6 For CNRMA; Commander NAVCOMTELCOM in Washington DC; and as Director of Architectures and Engineering (N6) and NAO (Plankowner) on staff of Commander, Naval Network Warfare Command.
His military awards include Legion of Merit (3 Awards), Meritorious Service Medal (5 Awards), Navy Commendation Medal (2 Awards), Navy Achievement Medal, and various unit awards. He is recipient of the Naval Order Commander General’s Medal (2).
He has worked as a business manager since 2004 for DigitalNet, BAE Systems, CELTEL Government Systems, Owner of BIB Technologies LLC, GDIT, and Falconwood Inc. He also preformed duties as an OPNAV HQE as Executive Director for the Next Generation Enterprise Networks Special Program Office (NGEN-SPO) from 2009-2010.
Joining the Naval Order as a Charter Member of the Florida First Coast Commandery in 1997, he served as Commander for 3 terms. He is a Life member of the VFW as well as AFCEA. He was awarded the Rockwell Award by AFCEA in 2010 as AFCEAN of the Year for his service to the organization and as President of the Jacksonville AFCEA Chapter.
Captain Whitkop is married to the former Mary Nowadly of Buffalo, New York, and has four children and six grandchildren.
Distinguished Sea Service Award
Admiral Harry B. Harris, Jr., USN (Ret)
Admiral Harry B. Harris, Jr., USN (Ret)
Admiral Harris was born in Japan and reared in Tennessee and Florida. He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1978. Graduate education include Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Georgetown’s School of Foreign Served, Oxford and MIT’s Seminar21 fellowship.
His commands include VP-46; Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing One; Joint Task Force-Guantanamo; 6th Fleet, and Striking and Support Forces NATO. As Admiral he commanded US PACFLT and USPACOM.
Harris’ staff assignments include aide to Commander, US NAVFOR Japan, speechwriter for CJCS, Deputy CNO for Communication Networks (OPNAV N6), assistant to the CJCS where he was the chairman’s direct representative to the secretary of state with additional duties as the U.S. roadmap monitor for the Mid-East Peace Process.
He logged 4,400 flight hours, including over 400 combat hours, in maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft. He is the first Navy flyer from this community to achieve four-star rank. His personal decorations include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, (two awards), Navy Distinguished Service Medal (three awards), Defense Superior Service Medal (three awards), Legions of Merit, Bronze Star (two awards), Air Medal (one strike/flight), and the State Department’s Distinguished Honor Award. He has been decorated by the governments of France, Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Philippines, and Singapore.
Harris received the CIA’s Agency Seal Medal, Navy League’s Stephen Decatur Award, Ellis Island Medal of Honor, Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Lifetime Achievement Award, Who's Who in Asian American Communities Alliance Foundation Community Spirit Award, and the Asian American Government Executives Network Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award. He is the Navy’s “Gray Owl,” the NFO who has held this designation for the longest period, and the “Old Goat,” the longest-serving Naval Academy graduate still on active duty.
Distinguished Sea Service Award - Senior Enlisted
Command Master Chief Mark W. Rudes, USN (Ret)
Command Master Chief Mark W. Rudes, USN (Ret)
Command Master Chief Rudes, a native of Speculator, New York, entered the Navy after graduation from Wells Central School in 1986. After recruit basic training in Orlando, Florida, he attended Basic Enlisted Submarine School in Groton, Connecticut. He completed his submarine quals in USS FRANCIS SCOTT KEY (SBN 657 Blue) at Charleston, South Carolina. He then converted to the medical field, reporting to USS DIXON (AS 37) as a Corpsman.
Other assignments include USS LONG BEACH (CGN 9), Submarine Independent Duty Corpsman School, USS LOUISVILLE (SSN 724), Commander Submarine Squadron ELEVEN, USS PORTSMOUTH (SSN 707), USS SALT LAKE CITY (SSN 716), USS HOUSTON (SSN 713) and Joint Task force Full Accounting (JTF-FA) supporting missions in Southeast Asia. Master Chief Rudes was assigned as Chief of the Boat onboard USS BREMERTON (SSN 698) and served as Command Master Chief for Commander, Submarine Development Squadron FIVE in Bangor, Washington, Naval Base Point Loma, Commander, U.S. THIRD Fleet, USS RONALD REAGAN (CVN76) and U.S. Naval Forces Afghanistan. He assumed duties as Senior Enlisted Advisor to USPACCOM in 2012.
He earned the Meritorious Service Medal (three awards),Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (four awards), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (five awards) and various unit and campaign awards. He is authorized to wear the Enlisted Submarine (SS) Insignia, Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (SW) and Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist (AW).
He is a graduate of the Senior Enlisted Academy, National Defense University's Keystone, Franklin Covey Executive Leadership course and the University of San Diego RADY School of Business Executive Leadership program. He completed his Bachelor of Science in bio-chemistry from The George Washington University and Master of Science in Environmental Engineering from Arizona State University.
Dr. Anthony Atwood, Ph.D. — Retired Navy Chief Warrant Officer with a Doctorate from Florida International University. A native Miami-an, Dr. Anthony saw service in several afloat tours. He serves as the Resident Military Historian for the FIU Jack Gordon Institute for National Security. His dissertation posted online, “The History of WWII in Florida”, has had over 9,000 readers. He served during Desert Storm and Operation Noble Eagle. He helped build Camp X-Ray at GTMO. He is a founding father of the Miami Military Museum.
Mr. Dan Kent — A docent at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico, Virginia, since 2018. He served in the Marine Corps Reserves from 1973 to 1978. He taught high school social sciences in Virginia and North Carolina for 40 years. Kent also served as an adjunct professor of History for Northern Virginia Community College, the University of Virginia, and the University of North Carolina. In 1997, Kent was named the Virginia National State Teacher of the Year and a finalist for the National Teacher of the Year award.
CAPT Steven M. Andres, USN (Ret) — Submariner, CAPT Andres retired in 1997. After working at Data-Design Labs, DynCorps: Norco and IBM he became a full time docent at both the Midway Museum and at the San Diego Maritime Museum where he is the Past Chairman of the Docent Council. He conducts guest tours at both museums, has narrated the harbor cruise aboard the Maritime Museum’s Pilot boat and weekly operates the 120 year old triple-expansion steam engine aboard the Berkeley ferry boat.
Maj David Vickers, USMC (Ret) — Deputy Director, National Museum of the Marine Corps (NMMC). Marine Corps: Tank Officer, Protocol Officer, retired as Ground Branch Head for Doctrine Division at MCCDC, 2005. Became the Service Doctrine Coordinator for the entire Marine Corps. In this position, he managed over 270 doctrine publications, while also producing doctrine policy, writing, mentoring, and training doctrine teams throughout the Marine Corps. Maj Vickers was the subject matter expert for Services doctrine in the Marine Corps from 2005 to 2020.
Naval Order Mission
The Order’s “charge” is to encourage research and writing on naval and maritime subjects and to promote the preservation of historic artifacts and memories of our naval and maritime history. In addition, the Naval Order is also fraternal—so “camaraderie” is an equal ingredient.
Faneuil Hall, Boston, Massachusetts
Founded on 4 July 1890, the Naval Order is the oldest American naval society. From it beginning, the Order has had a dedicated interest in naval history and encouraged its recording and preservation.
The Order has a unique provision for membership based on lineal descent, which ensures a strong continuing interest in the deeds and accomplishments of Companions and their forbears in perpetuity.
The Order’s linkage of present Companions with their predecessors forges a common bond of responsible, honorable service to our country.
Detroit Publishing Co., Publisher. Faneuil Hall, Boston, Mass. United States Boston Massachusetts, None. [Between 1890 and 1906] Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2016796306/.
Local Commandery Commanders in 2021
Newport: Mr. Albert A. (Tripp) Alyn, (Acting)
New York: Mr. Henry C. (Hank) Warnke, (USN Veteran)
Northwest: CAPT James A. McGinnis, MSC, USN (Ret)
Philadelphia/Delaware Valley: Mr. Jonathan C. Jones (USN Veteran)
San Diego: CAPT Mitchell L. Lathrop, JAGC, USN (Ret)
San Francisco: Maj Eugene E. Redding, USMC (Ret)
Southeast Florida: CW03 Anthony D. Atwood, USN (Ret)
Texas: CAPT W. O. (Woe) King, Jr., USN (Ret)
Western New York: RADM John Paddock, Jr., USN (Ret) (Organizer)
Arizona: David Kampf (USN Veteran)
Atlanta: CAPT James S. Thomson, USN (Ret) (Organizer)
Charleston: LCDR Michael C. Pereira, USN
Continental: CAPT Aaron G. Bresnahan, USN (Ret)
Florida First Coast: ETCM(SW) John R. Craft, USN (Ret)
Hampton Roads: CDR John D. Hooper, USCG (Ret)
Hawaii: Ms. Catherine Cruz Simpson (Organizer)
Monterey Bay: CAPT Kenneth A. Johnson, USN (Ret)
National Capital: CAPT William F. Steagall, USN (Ret)
New Orleans: CAPT Eric J. Trehubenko, USN (Ret)
2021 Host Congress Committee
Host Committee Chairman: CAPT Aaron G. Bresnahan, USN (Ret)
Master of Ceremonies: CAPT Aaron G. Bresnahan, USN (Ret)
Program Coordinator: CAPT Frederick J. Passman, USN (Ret)
Registration Committee: Mrs. Sarah Koller
Broadcast/Technical: Mr. Mark Wixom
Congress Chaplain: CDR Michael Zuffalato, USN (Ret)
Brochure Development : CAPT Kristine Carlock, USN (Ret)
2021 National Officers
Commander General: Col Allan F. P. Cruz, USMC (Ret)
Commander General-Elect: CAPT Robert N. Whitkop, USN (Ret)
Vice CDR General-CDRY Support: RADM Peter L. Andrus, MC, USN (Ret)
Vice CDR-General-Membership: Mr. Donald W. Schuld USN (Veteran)
Vice CDR General-(at Large) Projects Director: CAPT Joseph R. Valenta, USN (Ret)
Vice CDR General-(At Large) Continental Commandery: CAPT Aaron G. Bresnahan, USN (Ret)
Vice CDR General (at Large): Hon. William H. Schmidt, USN (Veteran)
Vice CDR General-Communication: MCCS Robert A. Hansen, USN (Ret)
Recorder General: CDR Louis J. Orsini, USCG (Ret)
Assistant Recorder General: CAPT Robert E. Sinclair, USN (Ret)
Registrar General: CAPT M. K. Carlock, USN (Ret)
Treasurer General: CDR Robert B. Frazier, SC, USN (Ret)
Assistant Treasurer General: CAPT Thomas L. Snyder, MC, USN (Ret)
Historian General: CAPT Stanley Carpenter, USN (Ret)
Auditor General: CAPT William J. Waylett, USN (Ret)
Chaplain General: CDR Michael P. Zuffoletto, USN (Ret)
Judge Advocate General: CAPT Richard J. Alexander, USN (Ret)
Surgeon General: RADM Duret S. Smith, MC, USN (Ret)
Master-at-Arms General: LCDR Steven R. Sinclair, USN (Ret)
Parliamentarian General: CAPT Frances M. McDonald, USN (Ret)
Immediate Past Commander General: CAPT Paul H. Crissy, USCG (Ret)
Companions to the General Council (at Large):
—CAPT Jerry H. Rovner, USN (Ret)
—CAPT John A. Rodgaard, USN (Ret)
—CAPT Kenneth E Arendt, SC, USN (Ret)
—CDR Timothy S. Garrold, USN (Ret)
—CWO3 Anthony D. Atwood, USN (Ret)
—Mr. Jonathan C. Jones USN (Veteran)
2021 Naval Order of the United States Foundation
President & Director: CAPT Robert Whitkop, USN (Ret)
Vice President & Director: CAPT David G. Kaiser, USN (Ret)
Secretary & Director: CAPT Aaron Bresnahan, USN (Ret)
Treasurer & Director: CAPT Kenneth E Arendt, SC, USN, (Ret)
Foundation Directors:
--RADM George A. Huchting, USN (Ret)
--RADM Douglas M. Moore, SC, USN (Ret)
--CAPT Paul H. Crissy, USCG (Ret)
--CAPT Vance H. Morrison, USN (Ret)
--CAPT Gregory F. Streeter, USN (Ret)
Living Past Commanders General as of 2021
RADM William F. Merlin, USCG (Ret) 1995-1997
CAPT Kenneth A. Johnson, USN (Ret) 2007-2009
CAPT Gregory F. Streeter, USN (Ret) 2009-2011
RADM Douglas M. Moore, Jr., USN (Ret) 2011-2013
CAPT Vance H. Morrison, USN (Ret) 2013-2015
CAPT Michele H. Lockwood, USN (Ret) 2015-2017
CAPT Paul H. Crissy, USCG (Ret) 2017-2019
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